Oakland University

Oakland University


Colleges & Universities

About Us

Oakland University is a 20,000-student doctoral, research-intensive university located in Oakland County, Michigan. The university has 139 bachelor's degree programs and 127 graduate degree and certificate programs. The University is organized into the College of Arts and Sciences, the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine and the Schools of Business Administration, Education and Human Services, Engineering and Computer Science, Health Sciences, Nursing, and The Honors College. Visit Oakland University on the web at oakland.edu.

Video Media


  • We provide academic excellence so our students have a sense of empowerment.
  • We provide actionable learning so our students gain real-world skills and thinking.
  • We provide a supportive environment so our students have fewer barriers.


Oakland University signage
Campus life is full of nature on its 1,440 acres
Oakland Center
Graduation day!
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Meadow Brook Hall
SAE team car
SAE team at work
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Hydrogen powered golf cart

Rep/Contact Info

Susan Awbrey
Kevin Ball
Adrienne Bass
Executive Associate-Office of the President
Sarah Brown
Joan Carleton
Marketing and Communications Manager, Oakland University incubators (Macomb-OU Incubator and OU INC)
Ian Caullay, MSHE
Director, Employer Relations
Kevin Cororan
Sean Delaney
Public Information Assistant
Judy Didion
Dean and Professor
Kelly Dorner
Associate Director
Kelli Dowd
Coordinator for Student Services, School of Health
Janice Eaton
Graduate and Community relations School of Health
Robert Folburg
Founding Dean
Debi Gibbs
Office Assistant
Tanya Griffith
Corporate Relations Officer
Theresa Hardnett
Office Assitant Academic Affairs/Provost Office
Renee Kazirut
Executive Office Assistant
Scott Kunselman
Stephanie Lee
Administrative Associate
Jon Margerum-Leys
Leanne Papke
Oakland Counts Program Coordinator
Ora Pescovitz
Claudia Petrescu
Charles Pierce
Dean and Professor of Management
Janelle Zora
Asst. Director Student Services

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PO Box 214083, Auburn Hills, MI 48321 – 248.853.7862 – info@auburnhillschamber.com