Cybersecurity at a Crossroads
WEBINAR | Cybersecurity at a Crossroads
When it comes to your organization's technology and security, you may be on the right track — you recognize that constant monitoring, testing, and updating of your organization’s defenses are critical — but technology is complex and evolving at a faster pace than most can keep up with.
For many small- and medium-sized organizations, implementing foundational requirements like multi-factor authentication and performing cybersecurity assessments will make an impact, but that may not be enough. Did you know that every four years an organization can expect to get hit with a cyber incident? Are you driving your business forward with yesterday's technology and security at today's speed?
Join us for a complimentary webinar and panel discussion from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. EDT Tuesday, Oct. 19
Key learning objectives:
Find your footing in a shifting technology landscape. Your workforce has gone remote, attack vectors have grown, and the use of cloud applications is on the rise. Are you confident your security has kept pace with all the changes?
Get real about your risks. Increasingly sophisticated attacks and rising recovery costs are putting pressure on organizations. Learn how to quickly calculate your risk.
Strengthen your security. We’ll share the foundational elements every organization needs in place for a strong cybersecurity program, as well as pinpoint the questions your security team should have answers to.
Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Free to attend