Next Generation Network: Holiday Cards for American House Stone
Stop by the Auburn Hills Chamber office in Downtown Auburn Hills to make an American House resident feel Merry & Bright!
If you are available, we welcome you stop by our office the morning of December 12th to make the holiday cards. We will hand deliver these cards to American House Stone directly following this. Anyone is welcome to join us for this.
Holiday Cards, Hot Chocolate, and Coffee will be provided 😊 The Chamber office is in Downtown Auburn Hills (3395 Auburn Rd, Auburn Hills, MI 48326) across the street from Michigan By the Bottle. Parking is available in front of our office, or in the large lot located off Squirrel Ct behind our office.
As always, please feel free to register and bring an additional colleague to join us when we open the registration link.
The Auburn Hills Chamber of Commerce Next Generation Network, sponsored by Genisys Credit Union, welcomes young professionals 40 and under who meet and connect with other professionals to shape the next generation of leaders. Our goal is to provide young professionals, living or working in the community, with the opportunity to expand their network and build lasting business relationships. We are focused on professional development, community service and enjoying the local social scene.

Date and Time
Thursday Dec 12, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EST
Auburn Hills Chamber of Commerce Office
3395A Auburn Rd
Auburn Hills, 48326